This ‘n That!

We’re gonna have a party and we want you to come.
MARCH 16 (that’s a Saturday) 10 am – 3 pm.
Come meet our new owner Meg.
There will be food, drink and door prizes on the hour.
Stuff will be on sale, too… 20% off canvases and yarn (knitting).

 Mark your calendar.  You do not want to miss this!

Now some happy stuff.

Look what we got!!!


Isn’t it pretty?

And look what else we got…


Now you can bring your plastic in to assist you with your stash building.

You should try something new…

How about a scarf like these that knit up quickly.  These two were done by our very own Leona…


Before they were scarves they were skeins of yarn that looked like this…


A Finished Object to feature… (well actually two finished objects)

Meg’s new twin grandsons will be rummaging through these amazing stockings when they celebrate their first Christmas this year.


What We Love

In honor of Valentines Day, a little poetry.

Roses are red,
Some of our yarn is too,
There’s yellow and green,
Orange, purple and blue.



But maybe the thing,
On which you spend your spare time,
Involves canvas and thread,
With fancy stitches entwined.



So on this Day of Love,
You have plenty to do,
Whether canvas or yarn,
We make wishes come true.


Tuesdays are for Knotty Knitters

It’s not the only time you can come to The French Knot and stitch with friendly people, but it may be the most fun.  On Tuesdays we are open until 8 pm.  That makes it the perfect opportunity for folks to gather around the tables and spend some time encouraging, assisting and inspiring one another.  Although you will find mostly knitting on Tuesday nights, it is not required.  Crocheters and needlepointers are also frequently spotted.

You may also hear great words of wisdom like… “Your problem is you actually have conversations with your husband”… or … “It’s never good to give two year olds or men too many options.”  But sometimes the conversation is nothing more than pointless fun.

So without further ado…here are a few pictures from this week.

Leona was gone… I took her chair mwahaha!

Some people don’t like having their picture taken.  Spoil Sport!
I sneaked this picture while they were busy chatting.  Shh, don’t tell.
Don’t mess with her knitting!  She’s carrying sharp sticks!

And now those finished objects...

The Oh So Adorable Christina finished a pair of socks!!


Leona finished some Halloween Ornament Tags.  We still have a pumpkin and a Frankenstein for you to do.


Georgie has been working on belts.  There are lots more to see on our website.




And she finished a mini stuffer.  You can pick yours from this page.

Both Leona and Georgie have finished throws.  Twelve different yarns of your choosing make each one completely unique.



Knot Just Another Post.

Well, ok, maybe it is, but I had to try for a catchy post title.  Who can blame me?


We start this post with an update on that yarn bowl in the middle of the table meant to collect money when the phone is answered with the wrong greeting.  We are doing quite well.  There are only two dollars in there so far (both contributed by the same person, who shall remain nameless). I was personally hoping for a few more trip-ups so we could use the money for something fun or yummy, but alas, it looks like I may be disappointed.

We still don’t have our credit card processing up and running, but have no fear, it won’t be long now.


Georgie is having a girl… well her daughter is having a girl… FINALLY!  And she is very happy about it.  Five grandsons can be lots of fun and all, but you know how it is.  I guess she’ll be knitting a lot of patterns from this book…


…and of course she’ll be stitching a stocking with lots of pink in it.  I promise to show it to you when it’s done.

Now on to the knitting and needlepoint stuff.  We are going to start a mystery knit-a-long on Mardi Gras.  It won’t be difficult, I promise!  To kick off this new idea, we are starting with a simple project that will be a great option for Christmas giving.  For a mere $10 you will sample five different yarns and see a nice project through to the end having fun with your friends.  You can ask questions, but we aren’t going to tell you what it is.  You know you can trust us to pick something awesome.  You will need to sign up and don’t worry, if you can’t start with us on Mardi Gras, it is easy enough to catch up.

Remember the top ten reasons from last week?  Reason #5 was to join the Frequent Finishers Club, the Chemo Cap Club or the Birthday Club.  You may have been asking what we could
have possibly  meant by that.  Well, let me enlighten you.   

First, we have the Frequent Finishers Club.  Send ten needlepoint projects for finishing through The French Knot and get an eleventh (of equal or lesser value) free.  Next up is The Chemo Cap Club.  Donate ten preemie or chemo hats and we will give you 10% off your next purchase.  Last, but not least, is the Birthday Club.  For this one we need your email address and your birthday.  We will send you an email and you get 20% off a purchase during your birthday month.  Pretty cool stuff, don’t ya think?

And now for those finished objects. 

Knitting first…

The lovely Suzanne models Bryce Canyon, knit by Leona using Malabrigo Sock yarn.

Also modeled by Suzanne is a pair of socks knit by Julie.

Jane finished a hat with Noro Silk Garden.

Ann dyed this yarn and then knit a hat with it.  Lavish Praise, Ann.

Leona threw together this throw in a couple of days, it will reside on a friend’s couch.

Now for some needlepoint.

Aubrey ‘s latest FO.

Avra stitched this adorable canvas.  She sent it off to be finished as a pillow.

Terry finished this inch worm. It will be a pillow when it comes back.
Geogie’s pillow came back.  She made it for her daughter.  Pretty, isn’t it?

Top 10 Reasons to Come to The French Knot.

10. Everything is tidied and reorganized.


9.   Some yarns and threads have been restocked.


8.   New sale yarns and canvases. 

7.  To celebrate Mardi Gras.


6.  The chocolate bowl is restocked.


 5.  To join the Frequent Finishers Club, the Chemo Cap Club or the Birthday Club.

4.  If you call you may run the risk of hearing “The Stitch Niche.” (But don’t worry, there are consequences when we answer the phone improperly.)

3.  Because you can!

2.   Leona and Georgie are still here.

and drum roll, please……

1.  You might catch a glimpse of the new owner.


We Can Celebrate!


The Stitch Niche is now The French Knot.  Come celebrate with us!  We have a new owner, but Leona and Georgie aren’t going anywhere so the service you’ve always enjoyed won’t change!  Keep checking back for news.